Archive | March, 2012

Medley of Miscellany

31 Mar

I need these tights in my life. They’d probably just make me look shorter and stodgier, but they’re so pretty, I won’t care.

The following hairstyle is so adorable. The scarf is a lovely touch too. I tried to create a sock-bun hairstyle like this, and it was semi-successful. This tutorial is really sweet.


Charlie Chaplin once lost a Charlie-Chaplin-lookalike contest.

An excellent blog post about a visit to the Lake District.

PARTIES IN A BOX. I want to make these as gifts for EVERYBODY. For EVERY OCCASION.

Please read this amazing blog-post-list thing by the lovely Laura Jane. How to make your life more glamorous. I love those types of posts.

Tips on eating well even if you’re super broke, by the inimitable Allison.


Things I Love Thursday

29 Mar

  • Clearing up and organising stuff
  • Getting back my senses of smell and taste (I was quite poorly after coming back from Ireland)
  • Last few days of Ireland – mainly visiting Cashel and spending a night and a day in Dublin
  • Cider, cider, oh-so-much cider
  • Good pub food
  • Having a Visa that works
  • David, my boyfriend, who is just Amazing
  • Fresh groceries
  • Meal deals eaten on a train (including crunchy pink apple slices)
  • Marshmallows
  • Getting through about three tubs of Nutella in three days… (although David definitely helped.)
  • Packages in the mail; particularly a HUGE box of birthday gifts from one of my Maltese best friends. She even sent a walking piglet. A little toy walking piglet, yes.
  • Reminiscing about last year’s student council elections at the University of Malta (I had been an electoral commissioner)
  • Syndol’s drowsy effect lulling me into a deep sleep
  • Gradually writing most of an essay which is due tomorrow – it’s almost done, just a few hundred words to go, and a lot of fine-tuning. I even got feedback from a lecturer (personal interest from a lecturer probably for the first time in my life)!
  • Happy conversations with my housemate
  • Understanding Italian. Oh yeah.
  • Mail. So much mail!
  • Euros. I miss them.
  • Really sweet emails
  • Mongolian barbecue food
  • Irish music <3
  • Not having a blistering migraine
  • Friendly people in Ireland (including a sweet guy from Brazil who asked me how to say ‘thank you’ in Maltese)
  • Fresh flowers
  • Warm Irish hearts
  • Seeing an end to projects in sight
  • Countdowns to Even More Exciting Times

My 23rd Birthday

27 Mar

You guys all know how I’m all about the glee and the happiness and the cheerful stuff, right? Yes, that’s me. But some of you also know that I can be a little bit of a drama queen/spoilt brat/moody monster/grumpy pants sometimes. My birthday this year ended up being half-miserable and half-wonderful – and I won’t dwell too much on the miserable part (which was partly my own dig-myself-into-a-selfish-hole fault).

I started my birthday at midnight, standing next to a Europcar counter at Dublin Airport. It was not a pleasant experience. They essentially wanted us to place a €1,200 deposit – and I don’t know about you, but I don’t often have that huge a chunk of money in my bank accounts. Moreover, they would not accept a part-cash, part-card payment of the deposit, nor would they accept any of my money, since I wasn’t the driver (you have to be 25 years old to drive with Europcar. Ugh. Another reason to look forward to 25? Yes? Yes.). Anyway, we ended up paying off extra-extra insurance to reduce the entire excess to zero, which ended up meaning that we could totally trash the car (as long as we returned the key). So yeah, we weren’t too careful with the car while driving through woodland/on beaches/other treacherous places/etc.

Also, it was an awful rainy Irish night. It took a while to find our lovely host’s place, but finally we were all cuddled up and asleep for the night.

The next morning, I hadn’t had too much sleep, and I kept rolling over onto the floor during the night, so yeah – I wasn’t completely refreshed. BUT it was my birthday, and there were tonnes of messages on my Facebook timeline/wall/whatever-it’s-called, Twitter, my English phone, my Maltese phone, EVERYWHERE. So I was determined to be very smiley. My boyfriend gave me these ridiculously gorgeous jewellery items – a (real) glass and (real) gold necklace and bracelet set. They’re very colourful – very me. I wore them immediately.

Then, since it was Sunday, we had to trot off to mass, which is always amusing in a new country. I wasn’t used to Irish accents, so there was a lot of inward giggling as the priest seemed to be speaking in an exaggerated Irish accent on purpose (he wasn’t).

One definite good thing about my birthday was that 18 March 2012 was a gloriously beautiful day. A beaming sun in the bluest of skies. Lovely. Warm, even. (Okay, it got very cool very quickly later on as the weather got windier.)

We were all feeling famished so we popped into a EuroSpar (oh dear God why did I agree to go to a tacky supermarket on my birthday?) and my boyfriend chose some “special ingredients” for lunch. It turned out that he seemed to be having an off day, because lunch was cold, the bread he bought was brown (definitely not my usual choice – and it was rather dry as well), and the salmon he got smelled so bad that I couldn’t even bring myself to taste it. Anyway, I’m complaining. It just wasn’t a very good meal. Then we dillied and dallied for a few hours (inexplicably) until we finally hit the road towards County Limerick, where we would be staying for the bulk of our Irish Trip.

Even though it wasn’t my choice, we ended up taking the motorway (I usually dislike motorways – unless time is a priority, then I’m all for them). That meant that we only saw glimpses of “real” Ireland, although I was very pleased to reaffirm my belief that Ireland is the greenest country in the world. (I had visited about 9 years ago.)

At this point of the day there was a lot of moping, a lot of lethargy, and a lot of grumpiness. My boyfriend was quite worried about my sad state, and realised that the number one priority was to get some cake inside me. We stopped at Mitchelstown in County Cork, which is a lovely town. There was a lot of crying at this point, despite the loveliness of “rural” Ireland. I was probably having a slight panic attack and/or nervous breakdown.

Since it was a Sunday, oh-so-many places were shut, to my boyfriend’s despair. Finally, we (he) found a little Italian place and popped in. It was quite an odd little place – but it looked nice, it had cake, and it was open. We sat down at a table, and I ordered very random things (a starter, a piece of cake, and some ridiculously expensive fresh ginger juice). More crying. Finally, my juice and cake arrived. The juice was really good. I do not like to eat my dessert before my savoury food, so I let the cake sit there for as long as I could. Then, my starter arrived. I had ordered bruschetta. It wasn’t normal bruschetta – but it was warm and INSANELY delicious, and I bit down into it over and over, and as I did this more and more tears were streaming down my face until I was a slobbering mess. Then I realised that this was all mostly homesickness, and I was missing my friends and the Maltese air and sun. The taste of tomatoes was all it took to really open the floodgates.

We finished our food and left. My boyfriend lovingly paid (and also paid for my not-so-loved lunch in the morning).

Then I felt lots better! Hungry Claire is definitely Cranky Claire.

We drove to Ballylanders, a cute little Irish village in County Limerick, which was our final stop for the day. On our way we stopped to admire some very sweet cows. When we got to Ballylanders, our hosts weren’t home, but they walked over to us a few minutes after we got there. These people were so nice I can’t get over it. The most adorable Irish accents (including a proper Cork one – oh I love Irish accents). The sweetest home. The warmest welcome ever. There was an actual warm apple pie near the window. Made from scratch. Everything made from scratch in this glorious home. The cutest little dog called Sebastian. People popping over and showering us with even more amazing Irish hospitality. While our hosts prepared dinner, we popped out to an abandoned roofless church in the village to take some photos as the sun was setting.

Then we settled into what was possibly the loveliest meal I’ve ever had. Apple sauce. Gravy in a gravy jug. A proper wrapped/stuffed/amazing pork roast. Potatoes. Asparagus. Carrots. A knob of butter. Oh my.

Delightful conversation. Such a warm-hearted family. Suddenly, I felt like I was adopted into this circle of loveliness and warmth and delicious food.

I forgot to mention the deliciousness of the stuffing. Oh, that stuffing.

For dessert, I was treated to the best bit of all: a fresh, warm, amazing apple tart. With birthday candles. And a little birthday sign. And a huge dollop of really fresh cream. I got to blow the candles out. SO GLORIOUS. (Pictorial evidence above.)

It was all truly heart-warming and so happifying (how is this not a word?).

We got the comfiest guest room ever, our own bathroom, anything our hearts desired, and access to Mac computers (for Dave, that is).  The bed was incredibly comfortable, our night’s sleep was very restful, and we even planned out our next couple of days before bed with our very-knowledgeable hosts.

As a final flourish, I was given a fresh bowl of popcorn, salted and buttered. I just. I. I can’t. It was all too lovely.

So that was my birthday. It was a very strange one. It was the first one where I was away from my family and friends (apart from my dearest David of course). It was the first one where I was in a foreign country, and this was one with sheep and cows and amusing accents!

Overall: awesome birthday. Bits of it (as you might have deduced) were quite anxious for me, and there was a fair bit of crying, but the rest of it was very happy, very special. And the rest of the trip was such a splendid success – we had an absolutely fantastic time in the Republic of Ireland. Absolutely fantastic.

(I just realised that I wrote above that I won’t dwell too much on the sad parts… and yet I use the word “crying” multiple times, oops!)

Thanks for all your birthday wishes, and (again) for reading and enjoying my little blog. I hope that by sharing my glee (and occasionally, like today, my not-so-gleeful moments), we can all appreciate life a bit more every day.

(I can’t wait for my 24th birthday!)

Music Mondays: I got a pocket got a pocketful of sunshine

26 Mar



My best friend sent me a link to this song (the Easy A version) on my birthday. It made me very happy. I miss her, and all my other friends!

Medley of Miscellany

23 Mar

Road trips! I’m currently in Ireland, and should be involved in a few of these. =) I love road trips. I would really love to be able to go on a road trip one day to a place where it’s really sunny and where our car is a convertible so we can have the roof down and the wind can dry our wet beach hair. Mmm.

This is very amusing. How to cite a tweet in an academic paper:

These divine dippy things remind me a lot of the amazing pizza puffs that my good friend Cherise made at a wine-and-cheese night over Christmas. She had kindly passed on the recipe. Use with caution. People will GOBBLE THEM UP.

How to Stay Productive and Get Massive Amounts of Work Done.

Albatros Bookmarks. Watch the video! It’s insane. Such sleek bookmarks, and they seem aerodynamic too! Love.

42 ways to make life simpler. Some of these are impossible (in my opinion), but some of them are just eye-opening and amazing.

This story (in pictures) actually made me Laugh Out Loud. It’s quite silly, but I love the sense of obstinateness and perseverance.

One day, I should really put some energy into this.

Things I Love Thursday

22 Mar

  • Ireland!
  • Sheep
  • Irish hospitality
  • My 23rd birthday
  • The run up to my birthday (cards, presents, deliveries, happiness!)
  • Ridiculously cute donkeys (AND A BABY DONKEY)
  • Cows
  • The Florence & the Machine concert on Friday. Mind, blown.
  • A huge stack of CDs during our road trips
  • The Ring of Kerry
  • The Dingle Peninsula
  • Dingle – this is possibly my most favourite part of Ireland ever
  • Comfort in a hostel
  • Being in a crowd of people who are all speaking Gaelic
  • Family and compassion
  • The loveliest possible people hosting us
  • Pretty Little Liars
  • My lovely boyfriend and our long trips with lots of laughs and happiness
  • Birthday messages
  • Apple tarts
  • Rocky road cake
  • Beaches
  • Gorgeous scenery
  • Catholic churches
  • Taking
  • Being harassed by my boyfriend to get the eff off my laptop and get to pretty places

Little Bits of Love 31

20 Mar

The love for adventure, road trips, unknown corners of this beautiful Earth, and laughter as you feel the wind blowing around. That’s happiness: feeling alive and well.

Music Mondays: Florence, obviously.

19 Mar


That Florence & the Machine concert on Friday was a Spiritual Experience. This song was the height of it all, I think. Florence ordered all the men to lift their girlfriends/lovers/wives/whatevers on their shoulders, and my beloved David hoisted my fat bum up in the air! Since we were smack in the middle and only a few people from the front (and none were in the air like I was), there was lots of proper interaction between me and Florence. We raised it up, we made sacrifices… it was AMAZING. Please enjoy this gorgeous song.

Sunday Photo Mishmash: Florence & the Machine, eyelashes, gummy lips at 3AM

18 Mar

I picked up this flower from in front of our house. It brightened up my room this week.

My best friend in Malta adopted a donkey for me for my birthday. The adoption pack came with this ridiculously cute soft toy.

I went for a birthday dinner with a few of my loveliest Asian friends on Wednesday. Since it was my birthday week we got a free (huge) bottle of Cava. SO YUMMY.

The place we went to for dinner has a 2-for-1 dessert offer, so we got six desserts between five people. It was such a struggle to finish them all. (And we actually had to leave a piece of brownie! Sinful.)

I had scampi, by the way.

At the library till 3am. Madness. Also: yummy gummy things.

We went to a Florence & the Machine concert on Friday. Amazing, wow, mind-blowing, spiritually exciting, everything. I put on false eyelashes for the first time ever, just for Florence. They turned out OK! :D And they’re only cheapie Primark £1 ones! (I did use a more sophisticated adhesive though…)

At the concert, waiting for things to kick off. Look, I wore my sequined dress!


The Horrors.





It was an amazing evening. This is me, at a Lebanese late-night place, with one eyelash on. I was trying to “do a Clockwork Orange”, but I think I failed. Not creepy enough.

Off to Ireland!

16 Mar

It’s my 23rd birthday on Sunday 18 March 2012! Since I’m living in the UK this year, I’m making the most of my proximity to the more northern countries of Europe, so I’m hopping onto a plane with my beloved boyfriend, and heading over to the Awesome Republic of Ireland for a week.

Super cool, I know.

I’ve been to Ireland before, but that was when I was a young-ish teenager, with my parents. So now it’ll just be an Extra Awesome Adventure. I love growing older. Is that weird? I just seem to love myself more and feel more “me” with every year that goes by. So even if I’ve already visited a country or a place, if I visit it when I’m older, it automatically becomes a new, fresh, better experience.

We’ll be travelling all around the country, soaking up a lot of beautiful green scenery and dramatic views. I’m hoping to visit super-remote places, and super-adorable villages. I hope someone speaks Irish Gaelic to me. I hope I get to see lots of animals. I hope I get to eat the most divine food (particularly cakes and pastries and other sweet things, obviously). I hope I get to have a Super Special Birthday.

And we’ll even be there for St Patrick’s Day! How awesome is that? And thank God for inexpensive Ryanair flights, and my sweet parents who are sponsoring a big chunk of our travelling expenses (including a rental car *fingers crossed*).

I’ll be back on Sunday 25th, so things will be a bit quiet around here for a while. I do have a couple of scheduled posts though, and if I manage to find an Internet connection on Wednesday or Thursday I’ll have my regular TILT up as well. =)

Also, I probably won’t be around to link my posts onto Facebook, so please periodically click over here yourself to check whether new posts have gone up. =)

MOST IMPORTANTLY: comment below (or on Facebook) (or email me if you’re really shy) with tips and suggestions about Awesome Must-See Places in the greenest country in the world please! *so excited*