Medley of Miscellany

23 Mar

Road trips! I’m currently in Ireland, and should be involved in a few of these. =) I love road trips. I would really love to be able to go on a road trip one day to a place where it’s really sunny and where our car is a convertible so we can have the roof down and the wind can dry our wet beach hair. Mmm.

This is very amusing. How to cite a tweet in an academic paper:

These divine dippy things remind me a lot of the amazing pizza puffs that my good friend Cherise made at a wine-and-cheese night over Christmas. She had kindly passed on the recipe. Use with caution. People will GOBBLE THEM UP.

How to Stay Productive and Get Massive Amounts of Work Done.

Albatros Bookmarks. Watch the video! It’s insane. Such sleek bookmarks, and they seem aerodynamic too! Love.

42 ways to make life simpler. Some of these are impossible (in my opinion), but some of them are just eye-opening and amazing.

This story (in pictures) actually made me Laugh Out Loud. It’s quite silly, but I love the sense of obstinateness and perseverance.

One day, I should really put some energy into this.

2 Responses to “Medley of Miscellany”

  1. Cherise March 23, 2012 at 12:40 pm #

    Haha I’m honoured the pizza puffs got another mention! :P I must warn you though; I have a horrible tendency of never repeating a recipe (a habit my mother has come to abhor) but I promise when you see my gigantor recipe folder (filled with yummyness yet to be achieved), it’s TOTALLY justified XD


    • clairecommando March 25, 2012 at 5:05 pm #

      U mhux ovja the pizza puffs got another mention! And nooooooo you must repeat them! But yes actually… the prospect of another delicious surprise might be even better :)

      Ireland was FANTASTIC

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