Recent Purchases (beauty products, clothes, home stuff)

1 Aug

Some of my recent purchases! First up, I received a really pretty Jolie Box in the prettiest box ever.

The products haven’t proved themselves as being super useful, but I’m sure I’ll find a way to use them/give them away.

This was another Jolie Box from a previous month, and these products have actually been incredibly useful! I love the primer and the nail polish best.


I buy lip-related stuff all the time. The Blistex lip balm is actually really good (and gives the lips a bit of a rosy tint), although the L’Oréal Paris Colour Caresse lipstick is a bit of a disappointment.


These were surprise gifts from a dear friend! So cute, and they all smell amazing.


More super cosy tights from Primark! I’ve been using these two colours to death, so I decided to buy back-up pairs.


A cute, flirty dress from H&M in Newcastle, for a mere £5. I wore it for a dinner with housemates and friends a few weeks ago.


Another H&M bargain! A very cute pleated skirt with some colour-blocking action, for £7.


I saw this at a gorgeous shop in Durham called Mugwump – and I HAD TO BUY IT. I think it’s incredibly hilarious. Puffin. NUFFIN. <3


Some bits from Wilko’s for a few pounds – to store coins and other bits and bobs in my awesome new room.


A little candle tart from B&Q – haven’t used it yet.


A pretty dotty bowl from TK Maxx for £3.


A glorious candle from TK Maxx – it smells like SUGAR and CAKE <3


A Lush purchase: my first shower jelly! I love it. The smell is the best.


Found these gorgeous mugs at a charity shop for a pound or two. I think they’re so vibrant and striking. Not sure what to put in them, but I’m going to keep them in my room for bits and bobs.


I hope you’ve enjoyed this “haul” post. Don’t forget to Like my Facebook page if you’re enjoying my blog in general, and please let me know if you have any questions! More recent purchases soon.

2 Responses to “Recent Purchases (beauty products, clothes, home stuff)”

  1. Marie Claire August 1, 2012 at 11:58 am #

    I can totally relate to the lip-related stuff buying! Lovely post! x

    • clairecommando August 1, 2012 at 1:11 pm #

      *lip-related stuff buying solidarity* haha :)
      Thanks! x

Let me know what you think! =)